Friday, May 31, 2013


So many activities and goings on this past week... so many pictures taken... so little free time to share them all.  Here are my favorites from my Instagram account this past week.

Pool time with my baby girl... always a good time.

best buds sharing food after swimming.  These two are an absolute mess.  I have a feeling the twos are going to be insane with these little ones.

Savannah's first season of softball is officially done.  It ended with a fun swim party and trophies at the coach's house.  Savannah is already asking when the next season starts.  Love that she loves playing ball.

Waiting in the car for sissy to get out of school is getting more and more difficult with this little man.

Savannah and her besties.  These little girls have been so supportive of each other this year... I am so beyond thankful for this friendship.  It made Savannah's days at school so much more enjoyable.

G-ma, this next picture is for you... a preview of my newly dyed (very light) hair.

We started the packing for SD process this past week.  Savannah started with her American Girl doll Alice... oh my, she wanted to pack everything for that dang doll.  I finally had to sit down with her and explain that the doll did not need an outfit for everyday.  We got it narrowed down to a handful of outfits, some shoes, and accessories.  Alice is now officially the first member of the family to be packed and ready for the road.

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