Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Little Mister

So just about six months ago we traded in the excursion for a mini-van.  Around that same time Ryder hit that stage where he wants out of the car seat the minute the car has stopped running.  So you can imagine how NOT fun waiting in the car with a crazy toddler is.  Unfortunately, my mister and I spend a lot of quality time in the car while we wait for sissy to get out of school.  The van is cool because he can run between the captains chairs and look out the back and keep himself occupied for a good amount of time.  When that has worn off, my next go to move is the camera on my phone.  Ryder loves making faces at the camera and typically I can keep him happy with that for at least twenty pictures worth of time.  We have been doing this for almost six months... so that's roughly 10-20 pictures of us 3-5 days a week.  That is A LOT of pictures.  Some of them I upload to instagram... some of them I don't.  Most of them eventually get deleted.  Before I do a big clean out of pictures on my phone and in honor of the end of school (three months of not having to entertain Ryder in a car while we wait on sissy!!), I thought that I would post a bunch of the pictures we have taken over the last several months.  Happy almost summer!!

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