Friday, May 24, 2013


Another week done with means that we are another week closer to the end of school, and even better than that, another week closer to leaving for San Diego.  The next two weeks are going to be pretty crazy around here.  We have graduation and end of the year parties... plus packing and stuff.  Bring on the good times.

Saturday night's family dinner at our campsite.  Savannah and I were both pretty happy to see Ryder.  We miss that little guy when he's not around.

This next picture is absolutely precious.  Savannah and her BFF Olivia fell asleep holding hands.  I love that they make each other fell safe and happy.  So thankful that Savannah and Olivia met this year.    So thankful that Olivia has really cool parents.  Hopefully these girls have years of hanging out ahead of them.

Tuesday night we went to the Rangers game with some of Eric's coworkers.  They were all in town for a training/meeting and Eric being Eric made sure to schedule in a Ranger game for all of them to attend.  Not a shocker.  It was a good time... the kids were better than normal.  They are always good at games, but the stars aligned and they were picture perfect.  At one point Ryder went and sat on Eric's boss' lap for quite a while.  He never does that with strangers.  I don't know what was up with them... but I'll take it.

I just can't seem to fight off the Texan inside of her.  Boots at a baseball game, really???  Yes, really.  This little girl insisted.

This is what the day after staying out until 10pm at a baseball game looks like.  Sleepy cranky totally worn out little guy.

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