Thursday, May 23, 2013

Adventures In Girl Scout Camping: Day Two

Now that we know the girls are totally comfortable and capable of spending the night at a campground without parents, further camping trips will be planned for an entire weekend.  For this trip the girls arrived Saturday at 10am and left Sunday at 1pm.  So we had a little more than a 24 hour period to squeeze in everything we wanted to.  Next time I would love for them to arrive Friday late afternoon/evening and maybe stay an hour or two later on Sunday.  That way we would have plenty of time to do all the activities we wanted.  Sunday (day two) was pretty full.  The girls woke up at around 7am... they got dressed, ate breakfast, and then packed up their belongings.  We did a morning craft and a science experiment as our first activities of the day.  For their craft the girls gathered sticks and other items they wanted to hang from them so that we could make a nature wind chime.  For science they broke up into teams and dug holes big enough for plastic bottles to fit in and then made volcanoes.  They had a blast with that.

Their completed wind chimes.  They turned out way cuter than I expected.  Savannah's has been hanging on our back porch since we got home.

Savannah and another girl working together to attach things to their wind chimes.  Gotta love teamwork.

Savannah and her buddy Jaley.  These two also play softball together.  

After craft/science time we had a snack and then headed out to meet the park ranger for a guided hike.  This was my favorite part of our Sunday.  Our guide was awesome... she had so much knowledge to share about the wildlife and plant life at Cedar Hill.  The girls (and the adults) were in total awe of her.  She was pretty fantastic.

Throughout the tour our guide would stop and pull teaching props out of her backpack.  We kept joking around and calling it the Mary Poppins bag because it wasn't that big and she was pulling out a never ending supply of stuff.  The girls loved the animal skins/furs that she pulled out for them to feel.  She had a coyote, bobcat, opossum, rabbit, fox, and two others I can't remember stuffed in her bag.  They were pretty awesome.

Last picture of the trip... the girls with their camping patches.  They more than earned them.  So proud of these girls and how well they did away from their parents and how well they listened to us and how well they worked together.  I would take this bunch camping again in a heartbeat.

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