Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Easter At The Farm (A Make-up)

Back in March we had planned to spend Easter down at the farm with the kids' Papaw and Grandma.  All was going well, but then Ryder got very sick and we ended up in the hospital... the rest is history.  it was very disappointing, especially for Savannah... she was so looking forward to a weekend at the farm.  Once everyone had recovered and we were all healthy we headed down to the farm for a make-up session.  So much fun!  Ryder was in heaven.  Everything about the farm made him smile.  He loved spending every minute of the day outside playing in the dirt and riding the four wheeler.  Savannah was also very happy to be down there.  She kept grandma pretty busy... gardening, crafting, taking walks... all the important stuff.  

The big hit and huge surprise of the weekend... baby ducks!!  They bought the ducks for the kids as an Easter gift, so they had grown a bit by the time that we made it down there to see them.  They were still super cute though.  Both the kids loved feeding them and watching them swim around.

So for the first time in Ryder's year and a half of living he was introduced to a four wheeler.  It was literally LOVE at first sight.  Daddy pulled up on that thing and Ryder's eyes got so big... he immediately wanted to get on and then NEVER wanted to get off.

How to drive a four wheeler 101, taught by her daddy.

The look on her face is priceless.  Little girl is growing up.

Poor little guy trying to catch up to daddy and sissy.  His little bitty four wheeler just doesn't compare to the real thing.

No Easter make up would be complete without confetti eggs.  The kids went crazy cracking those things all over the porch at the farm.  Ryder thought it was so so so funny.  He would laugh so hard every time one cracked open and confetti spilled out.

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