Sunday, June 30, 2013

California Tourists: Hollywood Edition

Our second day as LA tourists we headed over to the Hollywood area.  Savannah showed some interest in seeing the Hollywood sign... she said that she has seen it in movies and wanted to see if it was real.  Easy enough.  Plus, I did some research and found out the location of Elvis' star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.  I knew that she would be crazy excited about that special surprise.  Ryder was pretty much just along for the ride on this outing.  Other than the insane people yelling and cruising around in costumes everywhere, there wasn't a whole lot for the little mister to look at and enjoy this go round.  He was a trooper though... a whole day walking around Hollywood and surrounding areas and then a 4 hour drive home (thanks to insane traffic)... not many toddlers would handle that well.  I barely survived the craziness myself.

They make the Elvis star very easy to get to.  He and the Beetles are located in a fancy center island on the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and La Brea.  Once we got to his star Savannah didn't want to leave it.  She sat there and talked nonstop about Elvis and how cool this was.

In order to avoid and confrontation or misunderstanding with any of the crazies out on Hollywood Blvd. I made sure to not be obvious about my picture taking.  I made it appear as if I as taking pictures of buildings and other landmarks instead of their shenanigans.  This insane incident that happened there recently made me super paranoid... click on link to news story to see what I'm talking about 

Right after I took this picture of nasty looking chewbaca, he took his mask off and started yelling at some bus of tourists for taking pictures of him.  Good times.

Not the best view of the Hollywood sign... but it was definitely the quickest and easiest view.  Turns out that the mall we parked in on Hollywood Blvd. has a back patio where tourists can go to take pictures.  Savannah was very happy to see that the sign was real and not just in the Muppets movie.

After our journey down the Hollywood Walk Of Fame we drove around for a bit checking out sites and then ended up parking in Beverly Hills and walking around town for a bit.  

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