Saturday, June 29, 2013

PSA: Just Say No To Temporary Tattoos

I'll go ahead and start this post off with the positive... last Monday night the kids and I got to go to a Padres game.  Yay!  Always a highlight of our visits back to San Diego.  The game was fun... the Padres won in extra innings, the kids were both good, it wasn't too cold, we found good parking... the list really could go on and on.  It's rare that we walk away from any baseball game with complaints... we are a baseball loving family, what can I say.  

Before I get into the negative of the evening, I'll post some fun happy pictures to ease you into the nastiness that is the SD temporary tattoo that Savannah was given at the game.

So here starts the serious part of the post... before the game started on Monday night we were cruising the ballpark checking things out when one of the Jr. Padres recruiters came up to us and tried to get us to sign up.  I politely declined, explaining that we now live in Texas... we chit chatted a little more and then he offered the kids some temporary tattoos.  Savannah happily accepted.  She loves those things... most kids do, right.  I am used to (and almost expect it by now) going into the bathroom at baseball games to put the temporary tattoos on Savannah's cheek.  Sometimes I join in on the fun and put one on mine too.  So into the bathroom we went... I put one that said Padres on one of her cheeks and then I put a large heart one with SD printed on it on her other cheek.  She loved them... the night went on... the game ended... we went home and went to bed.  Like most other times that Savannah has had temporary tattoos on, she fell asleep with them on her face.  I thought nothing of it... we have done it a thousand times before... sometimes she has left them on for days.  I'm sure most parents will understand... those dang temporary tattoos are a pain to scrub off, so I have found that the let it run it's course approach is the way to go.  Usually within a day or two it rubs off on it's own and all is good.  The next day Savannah told me that her face was hurting.  When I turned to look and see what was wrong I noticed a huge red mark where the heart tattoo used to be.  Upon further examination I realized that the tattoo had burned a layer of her skin off.  I wasn't quite sure how in the hell that happens or why this particular tattoo had done that, all I knew is that last I saw (probably thirty minutes before) the tattoo was intact in it's original condition on her cheek... no red mark, no burns... just an SD heart.  Even the doctor's office was absolutely confused about what had happened.  yes, I called the doctor... I was not sure how to treat her face.  I was told by the nurse that she had suffered a first degree chemical burn and to watch it very closely and to treat it with neosporin and not to cover it up with a bandage.  Seriously... a first degree chemical burn!!!  From a temporary tattoo!!!  This is no joke, people.  Obviously it goes without saying that we will no longer be using temporary tattoos of any kind.  Savannah does not have sensitive skin or any other condition that could have caused this to happen.  It was the tattoo and it is insane and very very upsetting.  Right now we are watching and treating the burn and hoping that it does not scar her face.  

Savannah proudly displaying her temporary tattoo at the game.  Little did we know the harm this heart tat would cause.

This is what her cheek looked like right after she told me that it was hurting her.

This is what the burn looked like once the temporary tattoo was soaked off with warm water.  The burn has gotten worse and worse each day.  Hopefully it scabs off soon.

So here is my two cents... JUST SAY NO TO TEMPORARY TATTOOS!!  Odds are they probably will never harm you or you kids... but what if there is one time that does.  Your kid should never have to experience a burn like this.

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