Monday, July 1, 2013

A Couple Of Beach Bums

We've gotten smart with our beach outings here lately.  We pack light and head out around 10am... stay for a few hours... and then book it out of there right as all the touristy crazy beach goers start to show up.  It's perfect.  In the morning there is hardly anyone... just the locals surfing and us collecting seashells and enjoying the peacefulness of the beach.  

He has finally warmed up to the cold water a little bit.  He will now walk down to the water with his sissy and let it touch his feet.  I'm just happy I'm not having to hold his hand or carry him anymore.  He finally gets that his is a place to run free and play and let mommy just be.

Savannah filled this entire bucket in under an hour the other morning.  I'm telling you, the morning is where it's at... the tide is low and the shells are out.  Lucky us!

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