Thursday, June 6, 2013

Yes, Dolls Need Sashes Too. Duh.

Any parent out there with a little girl who is Savannah's age (give or take a few years) can totally relate to the American Girl Doll obsession.  Now imagine that not only do you have your little girl who is cuckoo for her doll, but also a whole troop of adorable little girls who love their dolls too.  Yup, I have my hands full of doll obsessed little sweeties... and since these little girls have absolutely blown me away this past year and exceeded most all of my Girl Scouting expectations, I decided to surprise them with something extra special at our troop's end of the year party.  Way back last fall when our troop was formed and I gave out the girls' sashes they asked (almost immediately) if I could make a matching one for their doll.  I said yes, and honestly intended to, but then things started to pick up and our troop was crazy busy and I just had very little time.  Well, I finally made time... and let me say, I am so happy that I did.  These mini me sashes turned out fantastic!  They were super easy to make and the look on the face of those girls was priceless.  

I was so impressed with the final product that I made Alice model her new sash so I could share.

My favorite part... the patches on the back.  I found images of some of the patches that the girls earned this past year and printed those out for their dolls' sash.  I am planning on surprising them with additional patches for their doll over the next year.

Troop 3518 all together for one last meeting/party before we break for the summer.  I am really looking forward to another year with these little ones.

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