Friday, June 7, 2013


School is out for the summer!  This last week was pure craziness.  Savannah had something almost everyday at school.  I am so ready for some chill time.  Only two more days and we are out of here!

Water play day at school with her BFFs.  Not sure what these girls are going to do without each other this summer.

The iPad has been my best friend this week.  I typically do not allow a whole lot of continuous time on the iPad... exceptions were made this week.  I had a lot of packing and cleaning and sewing to do, so Ryder got a lot of iPad time.  You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess.

Disney Headbandz game = totally AWESOME!  Can't you tell by the goofy grin on her face.

Savannah, Ryder, and their cousin Cheridan swinging together this past weekend.  At one point they were all going so high that the whole swing set was shaking.  Pretty sure that we were pushing that swing sets limits to the max.  Thank goodness it didn't break.

Sunday morning Home Depot run... in a bright pink tutu, of course.

She no longer fits well in a kiddie pool.  You should have seen how tight it was when I tried to squeeze in there with her.  It was hilarious.

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