Monday, April 8, 2013

Our Happy Place

Last night we went to our first baseball game of the season.  This is always pretty exciting for us.  Baseball season is by far our favorite time of the year.  Savannah loves going to the games and Ryder is  getting easier to take to the games.  Last season he went to several, but he was a baby and this year he is a toddler and wanting to explore everything at the ballpark.  Eric and I say it all the time, and maybe one day it will be feasible, season tickets sure would be nice.  We are one family that would get so much enjoyment out of that.  For now, we will just keep going to every game we get the chance to.

My favorite picture of the night.  The kids watching batting practice.

My first attempt at a self taken family shot... oops, no Savannah.

Second attempt... Savannah is in and Ryder is looking away... pretty much the best I am going to get.

The look on Ryder's face as Bella helps herself to his food cracks me up.

Third attempt at a family picture and E is too busy watching the game.  

So much about this picture makes me laugh.  The faces of the people behind E, the obvious photo bomb by the not so conspicuous dude, Ryder's extremely joyful smile on his face, Savannah creeping in the corner of the picture, o the fact that E looks like he is having the absolute worst time of his life.

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