Sunday, March 24, 2013

Little Miss Big Time

Last week Savannah's school held their open house.  She was crazy excited about this... for like three weeks she talked and talked about how her class was working on really cool secret things for the parents at open house.  So much build up, I wasn't quite sure what to expect... plus, it was a little weird to be going to open house as a parent.  Nothing makes you feel aged quite like attending your first parent teacher conference/open house, just sayin'.  Anyhow, the class was decked out with their art and class work from their most recent unit of study, which just so happened to be Texas.  Go figure.  Texas stuff was everywhere... flags, yellow roses, armadillos, longhorns... it was a little much for this Cali girl.  Savannah gave us a very thorough tour of her class... she walked us to every station and showed us everything she does there all day.  It was pretty awesome to see her so excited about school.  Eric was a little embarrassed, I'm sure... between Savannah running around like a kid in a candy store and me taking pictures of everything.  Yup, we were those people.  After her class tour was over, Savannah walked us through the entire school showing us where everything was.  She seemed so grown up as she led the way through her school.  Between losing her first tooth and getting to flaunt that she goes to big kid school, Savannah really has been feeling quite grown up lately.  

This is where Sav sits in her class.  

Eric calls this having pride for your state... I call this brainwashing... what do you think??

Macaroni armadillos.  Not sure which one is hers.

Leading the way through the halls.  She was skipping and smiling so big.  Seriously hope she always loves school this much.

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