Friday, March 29, 2013


One of the longest and busiest weeks to date.  Eric did work from home this week, so it was nice to have the extra set of hand around the house.

Monday night was our troop's cookie sale wrap party.  We held it at a local bounce house place... the girls loved this idea.  Once we were done with pizza and the handing out of awards, the girls got to go bounce for nearly two hours.  That is kid heaven.  At our party, our troop's top seller was announced... I am very happy to share that our very own Savannah was the top seller.  Her grand total was 774 boxes sold!!!  Awesome!!

Ryder's most favorite character is Jake of Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  So naturally anything he sees with Jake on it appeals to him.  At the grocery store this week, Ryder saw this bag of chips with Jake on it.  He started pointing and saying "Jake, Jake, Jake".  When I told him that he couldn't have those he freaked out.  Tears, tears, and more tears.  Fits normally don't phase me... but when the fit is happening because he is too young to understand how dangerous the chips he was begging for are for him... now that makes me sad.  His allergies suck and are becoming more and more challenging.

Tuesday I took Ryder to the doctor because he was wheezing and coughing really badly.  I could tell that he was having some trouble breathing.  He was prescribed a steroid and out on breathing treatments three times a day.  Boo.

Egg dyeing success.  Both kids had fun... Savannah more than Ryder.  She is finally old enough to decorate and color the eggs properly.  Ryder, on the other hand, just wanted to drop them in the dye and then take them out and drop them back in the dye... he could have done this over and over and over again.

Like I mentioned above, Jake is his favorite.  So of course we dyed some Jake eggs.  Big sister helped put them together for her little brother.

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