Monday, July 7, 2014

South Of The Border

Since my dad is now living down in Mexico, there was no way we could get away with not venturing south of the border for a visit.  I'm very happy that we made the trip.  Savannah is now old enough that she was able to notice and question cultural differences.  She pointed out things about Mexico that she liked (the shopping, the food, the fruit) and things that she did not like (the military carrying guns at the grocery store, the border wait).  Overall, she loved her time down at Bob's house and is already asking when she can go back.  Ryder was totally oblivious to the fact that we had crossed over into another country.  Traveling with him and his food allergies down to Mexico was actually not as stressful as I thought it was going to be.  My dad's girlfriend was able to communicate fluently and find out ingredients in things for me.  Surprisingly, the items he is allergic to were not in a lot of the mexican food down there.  Yet, they make up most of the ingredients in the mexican food here in the states… crazy.  I don't get it.  

One of the days that we were down there we went and did the touristy shopping, margarita drinking, and lobster eating thing in Puerto Nuevo.  It was a lot of fun. 

Obligatory ridiculous sombrero and tecate drinking touristy pictures.  You just gotta do it.

A $5.00 Captain America mask/cape combo… you just don't pass up an awesome deal like that.  It was hilarious watching Ryder cruise through Puerto Nuevo wearing his cape.  

Savannah with my dad's girlfriend's kids people watching on the patio of the restaurant we ate at.

The lobsters at the place we ate were HUGE!

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