Thursday, July 8, 2010

We Are Alive...

Savannah and I have been back in Texas for a week and a half now. We seriously have been going non-stop since we returned (or at least it feels like it). It probably didn't help that I came down with some sort of summer cold the day we flew home. So our first two days back were spent sleeping on the couch in the living room. I seriously was sick sick... I'm talking sick to the point of trapping Savannah in the living room with a basket of toys while I slept on and off, I'm talking couldn't get up to cook food for breakfast so the poor thing ate mini-wheats out of the box with no milk... yuck... that's pretty bad... they cut the inside of your mouth and taste like cardboard without the milk. At one point when I woke up Savannah told me that she wanted hot dogs for dinner. I told her that I didn't know if we had hot dogs and she said, "yes we do. I put them in the sink like you do"... she means to thaw. My poor little girl took food for dinner out of the freezer and put it in the sink to thaw. Cracked me up. She really was good the whole time I was sick. She followed all my rules and took very good care of me. Thankfully I was back to almost normal by the time the weekend rolled around. Missing the 4th was not an option. For the 4th we headed out to the lake with some friends to swim and watch fireworks. Savannah was all about the lake. She loved it out there. I was worried that maybe the nasty mud between her toes would bother her, but it didn't. Now that the holiday weekend is over we are finally getting luggage put away and trying to get back into the swing of things. Another few days and we should be good to go.

One of the first things Savannah wanted to do when we got home... Introduce Monkey Bob to the newest member of our family, Monkey Mary. Monkey Mary was Savannah's big girl, potty trained prize. My dad had told Savannah that once she was totally potty trained he would take her to Build-a-Bear. Since then that has been all Savannah has talked about. Every time she used the toilet like a big girl she would ask me if it was time to go to Build-a-Bear yet. While we were in SD she finally got to go get her big prize. She was so excited to come home and show me what she picked out. Now Monkey Bob has a girlfriend. She married them the day we got home.

4th of July fun in the lake

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