Sunday, July 7, 2013

I'm Going To Miss This

For as long as I can remember, my summers have revolved around the beach.  Day trips to the beach, camping at the beach... we were sandy all the time.  I absolutely loved it.  Makes me so sad that my kids aren't going to have summers like that.  This trip we spent a good amount of our time at the beach... more than we usually do.  Last year with Ryder being so little and still nursing, it was a little tough to be going out every day.  This year both kids were easy to tote to the beach on a whim.  If we woke up and had no plans for that day we just threw our suits on and headed out to the beach.  I am really going to miss being able to do that.  Savannah might miss it even more than me.  She is such a little beach girl... grabs her boogie board and heads straight for the water.  I have to pull her away from the ocean.  Each time I make her leave it is the end of the world.  next year I am going to have to make sure that we spend an entire week just camping at the beach.  We would all love waking up and having the beach there and ready for us.  Until then, back to the heat of Texas... where the closest beach to us is four hours away.  Boo.

The Haynes/Kovar clan beachin' it up.  This arrangement works perfectly... the boys are the same age and the girls are the same age.  That means the moms can sit and talk :)

Ryder and Troy, rocking the long hair like a couple of beach studs

Oh how I wish these two girls lived closer together.  They LOVE hanging out together so much.  They were inseparable out in the water... sharing a board and holding hands the whole time.

Ryder finally ventured out into the ocean and LOVED it!  YAY!!  Once he realized how much fun it was out there he had no interest in going back and playing in the sand.  Which meant that my nice chillaxin' time in the sand was over and I had to go out in the water.  It was worth it though.  His face and laugh out there was priceless.

Liz took this picture of the girls boarding and me and Ryder out in the water... kind of blurry, but still cute.

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