Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter At Home

Needless to say, our Easter did not go anything like we had planned.  We had been planning for weeks to attend a big Easter dinner and egg hunt at Eric's cousin's house.  Then Ryder went into the hospital and well, those plans went adios.  The doctor made it very clear to us that we needed to limit Ryder's contact with people... one, because he may be contagious and two, because if Ryder was to catch anything from someone else that would be bad news for him.  So we decided that we would throw together a last minute Easter gathering at our house.  And by gathering, I mean us and our friends Scott, Michelle, and their baby Bella.  The reason we were even allowed to invite them was because they had already been exposed to Ryder's nastiness last week and they kept Savannah for us while we were in the hospital, so if they are going to catch Ryder's germs, it has probably already happened.  We bought eggs and candy and stuff to grill and that was that.  I quickly forgot about the big Easter that we were missing and was very happy with our small Easter celebration.  It was so beautiful out, so relaxing... very happy with how our day turned out.

Savannah was all business when it came to hunting eggs.  We tried to hide some of them in clever spots for her.  I had to remind her before the hunt started that the eggs that were right in the open were for the babies and she should go past those and leave them for the little ones.

She got creative at getting to the high eggs.  Smart girl got a stick and started knocking them down.

Last year Ryder was too little to hunt eggs, so this was his first time getting to do this.  He walked out to the yard and knew what to do right away.  He took his sweet time walking all over the yard and picking up eggs for his basket.

This picture cracks me up... the three of them squeezed into Savannah's car for a ride around the yard.  There is no way that was comfortable for any of them... super tight in there.

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