Thursday, April 4, 2013

Don't Hate His Locks

I love Ryder's long curly hair... unfortunately his daddy does not feel the same way.  He has been saying for weeks and weeks now that Ryder needs a "boy" haircut.  Probably doesn't help that strangers out in public keep calling him a girl.  Morons, total morons... he is clearly a boy.  I can't help that he has beautiful this lashes and long luscious curls.  To quiet Eric for the time being, I took Ryder to get a trim... not a cut, just a trim.  I will admit that his bangs were a little out of control and the back of his hair looks a lot better now that it is evened out.  We went to one of those kiddie cut places where the kids can sit in a car and watch a movie while they get their hair cut.  Pretty cool idea... I never had the need to go to a place like this with Savannah, even at a very young age she loved getting her hair cut... it sure worked for Ryder, though.  He didn't fuss or fight with the lady working on his one bit.  Our lady did a great job, little mister looks super handsome with his new evened out hair.  


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