Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Toothless Wonder

It has FINALLY happened... Savannah lost a tooth!!!!  I am not exaggerating at all when I say that this tooth has been loose for two months.  For the last week or so it has been barely in there... I really am shocked and still not sure why it wouldn't come out.  Eric and I were so sure that it was an any day type of thing... so sure that we brought everything supplies for the tooth fairy to visit while we were in San Antonio.  Oh well, it's out now and she is so excited about it.  I have never heard her squeal with such excitement before.  At first I thought she something was wrong... I quickly realized that she was just super happy... so happy that I think she was crying.  This is a big moment... good bye baby teeth.

This picture cracks me up.  This is seriously how the tooth was for a couple of days.  What the heck...

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