Friday, January 27, 2012


We had some serious rain and blah days around here this week. We have spent all our time indoors, cooped up in the house. I am really looking forward to getting out and about this weekend. Hooray for nicer weather!

The one outing we did make this past week... last Sunday we had lunch at Panera Bread. This is what Ryder and I had sitting across from us... two goobers.

Savannah is dying for warmer weather. At least once a week she puts on a bathing suit and pretends she is at the beach. I keep telling her that she will get her fill this summer... her response, "that's sooooo far away"... it'll be here quicker than you know, little girl.

The nice thing about the rain forcing us to stay indoors: we finally got around to doing all the little things I had been putting off. Like Savannah's thank you cards. I printed out blank thank you cards and then let Savannah fill in the blanks depending on who the card was for. Showing appreciation for what you have been given is very important to me, so I am happy that I found a kid friendly way to teach that to Savannah.

Oh Ryder, I love you little man. I love when they are young and just sit there while you do all sorts of ridiculous things to them. Like put big sister's 3D glasses (lenses popped out) on you while you are trying to enjoy your meal. Such a fun little man.

Seriously, I am not sure when and why mustaches are so cool. Fake staches are all the rave at the moment, and I can not figure out why. I think they are pretty dumb. Well, I thought that until I messed around with an app that my dad put on Savannah's itouch. It's called Stachematic, it's free, and it's pretty funny. I guess I can no longer hate on the stache craze... I had so much fun putting staches on Ryder. I think the boy could pull one off.

Thursday was western day at school. This was the big finale to two weeks of what I call Texas brainwashing. Every single day for the last two weeks Savannah came home from school with some random Texas fact... the state bird, the state flower, the state animal, the state flag, and so on and so on. She even came home with some fancy song she learned to help the kids remember how to spell Texas. Whatever they did at school was highly effective, because at home, Texas has been all she wants to talk about. She has drawn the Texas flag for me and bluebonnets. Seriously, brainwashing. Dang Texans. I was happy to have it all come to an end yesterday. Savannah was happy to finally get to wear her cowboy hat to school.

Savannah and her bud Collin. She was so excited that they were both wearing Wranglers. It's the little things in life that make my 5 year old happy.

Linking up, check it out!
life rearranged


kristir29 said...

Stopping by from LifeRearranged...I LOVE the pictures of your little guy with the mustache and glasses on. He is adorable. I have a seven month old at home and we are talking about doing the "little man" theme for his birthday party. Your pics made me think of what my little man would look like with a mustache. So cute :)

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

Also stopping by from LifeRearranged! My oh my, can your little one rock a mustache or what!? Adorable!

Bridgette said...

Hi! Found you from Life Rearranged... too! That little mustached man drew me in! What a cutie! Thanks for sharing!

Holly said...

Haha Stachematic looks hilarious! Off to download it now. :)


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