A few months back I was browsing Pinterest and came upon this pin of a kids room that had been filled with balloons for their birthday. How cute! I told Eric about it, and we both thought that Savannah would love that. So we rented a helium tank, bought 100 balloons and spent the better part of Saturday night filling Savannah's room up with balloons. She was so surprised when she woke up on Sunday morning. It was definitely worth the time we spent putting this stunt together... I highly recommend doing this for a kid you know. They will love it!
Birthday gifts: 3 new Elvis movies,
An Elvis dress (she strongly hinted that she wanted this),
An Elvis barbie doll purchased off ebay,
A Texas Rangers hoodie (another gift idea she let me know about over and over again).
Waffle House! Yes, we brought a candle with us... we traded the birthday cake for a birthday waffle this year. She also insisted on wearing her birthday princess crown and her new Rangers sweatshirt. Love my girly little baseball fan.
After breakfast she changed into her Elvis dress, put on her new Elvis shades (thanks Aunt Amanda!), and opened up her Elvis doll. It's kind of creepy how much he looks like Elvis. Oh, and that all his joints are way bendable and loose so you can pose him just like Elvis.
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