BEST. COSTUME. EVER!! A month or so ago Savannah was having some trouble deciding what she wanted to be for Halloween. She kept going back and forth between two ideas she had, then out of the blue she said, "Maleficent. I want to be Maleficent."... hmm, okay. When I asked her why she wanted to be her she told me because she liked her make-up. She insisted that her face had to be green and her eyes had to be purple just like Maleficent's. At first I was a little worried because this was a pretty unique idea, and thus a very hard costume to find a pattern for. Savannah's Mimi ended up having to combine two different patterns in order to create Maleficent's robe. Then she took a skull cap and attached the horns to the top of it. Pretty genius. The costume came out absolutely perfect... so much better than any of us anticipated. Savannah loved her costume so much. She kept telling me that she "totally won Halloween"... she was pretty sure that she had the best costume out there. I know I am a little biased, but I would have to agree!
Incase you are unfamiliar with Maleficent... she is the villain in Sleeping Beauty. In my opinion, she is one of the cooler Disney villains. Here is what she looks like.
Savannah's aunt Amanda doing her make-up. Savannah was over the moon excited to get to wear make-up.
Some daytime photos...
End of the night, a lot of candy, ready to go home.

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