Thursday, September 2, 2010

Vacation Without (and from) Savannah

I have a very good excuse for our blog absence, I promise. Eric and I took a vacation with some friends up to Wyoming and a few surrounding areas. I didn't want to advertise our trip prior to leaving... I never know who is reading this, so I figured less info the better in this case. Anyhow, we had a blast! I was a little concerned about leaving Savannah for 12 days, but it turns out the time away was good for all of us. Savannah did really well without us... in fact, most of the time when we would call to check in she would only talk to us for a few minutes and then tell us that she had to go. The girl was kept very busy and very entertained with all of our friends and family. I have pictures and more to say about all that in another post. For now, I just wanted to check in and post a few pictures from the trip. I know that my g-ma is dying to see what we did for those 12 days without Savannah.

My favorite part of Yellowstone, and my new favorite animal (to look at and eat)... the buffalo. Seriously cool creature. I love that they stand in the middle of the road and stare at all the tourists like we are a bunch of idiots. I was thoroughly entertained and could have sat and watched them all day.

My (and probably Eric's) very favorite part of the trip... we spent two full days floating and fishing down the salt river outside of Thayne, WY. It was so peaceful and so beautiful, I could have spent the entire trip doing this.

I was very excited to find Savannah's restaurant in the middle of nowhere Wyoming. A picture was a must... even though people were looking at me like I was crazy.

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