Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"I Don't Wanna Be A Big Sister"

A few nights back Savannah and I got to spend the evening watching our friend's little girl, Lauren. She is three months old... so she is in that super cuddly and yet sometimes overwhelmingly needy stage. I seriously had forgotten how much work you have to do when they are that young. Before Lauren arrived I talked to Savannah about babies and how they act and what they need. She was actually pretty excited about getting to "play mommy". Uh, that was until Lauren was crying and I had to focus all my attention on the baby. Savannah was NOT so happy about that. She looked right at me and said, "I don't wanna be a big sister. If you bring a baby home I am going to put it out". Once Lauren was calm and happy I explained (as best I could) to Savannah that babies are a lot of work and that they need a lot of attention... I assured her that when she was a baby I did all the same things for her. I then went and got out all her baby albums and let her look at pictures of her as a baby getting all the attention. Once she saw those her attitude changed a little. She played with Lauren, read her books, and even got to feed Lauren her bottle. I'm not sure if Savannah has changed her mind about being a big sister... my fingers are crossed that she comes around to the idea.

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