Friday, June 14, 2013

It's Just Not Summer Without Some Beach Time

It probably wouldn't take you but one guess to figure out where we headed to hang out as soon as we got here... that's right, the beach!!  Savannah was begging me (which makes me smile, because the beach is one of the best places EVER) to take her to the beach from the second we pulled in my grandparents' driveway.  I had absolutely no problem saying "yes" to her request.  It was a perfect non June gloomy day.

Notice Ryder's face... as I was taking this picture he picked up his first seashell and said "whoa, what's this?".  He thought seashells were pretty cool and was a fantastic little shell collector.

The water was booty cold, so Ryder and I watched sissy play in the ocean from a good distance away.

One minute he was perfectly happy...

...and then the next minute he was totally upset about I don't know what.  Thankfully this crying spell didn't last long.

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