Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Season Of Learning

This season has been a huge adjustment for Savannah.  She moved up from t-ball to girl pitch softball, real base running, real fielding, learning and trying every position... it was overwhelming at first.  Now that she has been at it for several weeks and has nearly ten games under her belt I can see some definite improvement.  Makes me so happy to see all her hard work at practice finally starting to pay off.  I am pretty sad to see the season coming to an end... and I know Savannah is too.  All of the girls on the team are playing well together and having so much fun.  I love that in the dugout they yell these crazy cheers when their teammates are at bat (totally reminds me of a scene out of A League Of Their Own). I have tried for several games to get video of them cheering, but hearing them over the wind has been impossible.  So you can semi appreciate the cuteness of these girls rooting for each other, I am going to just type out the cheer.  It's not the same as hearing them, but you'll get the idea.

My name's (insert name) and you know what I got?
I got a team that's hotter than hot.
Grand slams and home runs too,
We're gonna beat the woopsies out of you.
Yeah you, yeah you, the woopsies out of you.

We don't play with Barbie dolls, we just play with softballs.
We don't drink lemonade, we just drink Gatorade.

Pretty funny, right?!?  There are others, but I don't know them all.  All in all it has been a great season.  Savannah's skills have significantly improved, she is having a blast, and her confidence has sky rocketed.  It's amazing how much she has grown up in just one season.

Her favorite position is pitcher.  She gets crazy nervous when she batting and all eyes are on her, but she is cool as a cucumber when she is pitching and all eyes are on her.  Girl loves it.

Her least favorite position... catcher.  Her complaint was that the gear was heavy and loose on her.  I enjoyed watching her play catcher.  I didn't think that she would be able to throw the ball all the way back to the pitcher, but she did.  Eric and I were both pretty impressed. 

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