Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Elvis Races Derby Cars

My favorite thing about Girl Scouts so far is the endless amount of opportunities for Savannah and us to  take part in cool activities and events.  I love that she is getting to try new things and learn new things with the help of us and other little girls.  The most recent event that we signed up for was a Girl Scout organized pinewood derby.  Eric was very excited for this particular activity.  Believe it or not, so was Savannah.  They both had totally different visions though.  Cracked me up to listen to them go back and forth about what they should do with the car.  Savannah insisted on something Elvis or Grease.  So Eric and her came up with the idea to make the car look like Elvis' pink cadillac.  All Savannah cared about was making sure that her car was pretty.  She had no interest in how fast it would be.  I will say that after actually participating in the race, Savannah already has a totally different game plan for next year.  She wants her car to be "built for speed, like Grease lightning" (her words).  In every heat except one her car finished close to last.  She still had fun, and ultimately succeeded in her goal... which was to have the prettiest and girliest car EVER.  In addition to the fastest car, they had a handful of other categories that they rewarded medals to.  Things like most creative, most detailed, most unique.... you get it.  Well, little miss won most girly.  She was beyond thrilled.  My girly little thing, who dressed in a pink tutu and pink boots that day, won most girly.  Shocker.  This event was a lot of fun... especially since it was something that Eric and Savannah got to do together.  They are both already planning what they are going to do for the race next year.  Thank you Girl Scouts for an awesome daddy/daughter event!

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