Monday, February 25, 2013

The Oscars, Then & Now

Last night was what Savannah refers to as "her most favorite night of the year"... or as the rest of the world knows it, the Oscars.  It's crazy how she remembers every detail of our impromptu Oscar party last year and even crazier how much she was looking forward to getting to dress up again this year.  I think that next year I will have to put a little more effort into it, maybe even invite some peeps to join us.  Who doesn't like an excuse to get all fancied up...??  Ryder was a total ham.  The tuxedo he wore last year still fit him, so we went with that ensemble again.  Never thought I'd be getting so much use out of a baby tuxedo (I guess I should thank my dad again for the totally random purchase... we are getting a lot of fun use out of it).  He danced and smiled and ran all over the living room laughing as we tried to get one not blurry picture of him.  Totally different from last year when he could't walk or run.  It's so crazy how much they have both changed in one year's time.  My sweet sweet babies playing dress up together... it really doesn't get any better than that.

The Oscars 2012
My 5 year old and 6 month old

The Oscars 2013
My 6 year old and 18 month old

Savannah had a very clear look she was going for this year.  She wanted her hair down with waves but she also wanted her fancy earrings (that were borrowed from mommy) to show.  So we styled and pulled back one side.  She looked gorgeous and way to old for my liking.  My sweet girl is growing up way to fast.

Case and point... gorgeous, stunning, flawless little six year old.  It's just not right.

Then there's Ryder... this kid can rock a tux like no body's business.  Cracked us up... Eric couldn't stop laughing at this little man with his hair combed over.

Lipstick smeared all over his face thanks to sissy giving kisses.

Our Oscar ballots for this year... Savannah did a lot better with her guessing this time around.  She went with the check off the first option in every category method.  It worked... until it didn't anymore.  Eric ended up taking the lead and beating us both (thanks a lot Argo and Mr. Daniel Day Lewis).

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