Friday, December 16, 2011


This past week was busy, busy, busy. We had a few holiday functions and a lot of holiday to-do's to get done. I can't believe that we are one week out from Christmas!

1. On Saturday we went to a breakfast with Santa event. It was fun, inexpensive, and the food actually was good. While there Savannah got to meet Miss Arlington. 2. Savannah and Ryder with Santa. 3. Ryder loving his carrots.

1. Ryder hanging out with me while I sew. That exer-saucer is one of THE BEST gifts we got at the shower! 2. Watching Christmas toons and eating dinner on the fireplace. It was one of those days. 3. Savannah showing off her edible christmas tree (a frosted ice cream cone) that she made at school. It was actually pretty yummy.

I LOVE this picture of my little girl. Mostly because she doesn't look so little in it. I feel like it is a glimpse of what she will look like when she is older. I also adore the coat that she is wearing. My g-ma bought it for her while they were here visiting. Every girl needs a purple pea coat.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

that last photo is wonderful. such a gorgeous little girl!


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