In preparation for baby boy we have been having to make some changes around the house. The biggest being transforming Eric's office into Savannah's new big girl room. A couple weeks ago we moved all of Savannah's stuff out of her old room and painted it for baby boy. So since then Savannah's stuff (toys, clothes, pictures) are spread out all over the house. It is crazy messy around here these days. I would post a picture of the chaos but Eric would not be a fan of me sharing that much. This past week I finally got around to painting Savannah's new room, the first step in getting her and her stuff situated back where it belongs. Poor girl has been going crazy with no room to play or sleep in. She was very ready and excited to get things going... she actually was a good little helper during the painting process. She had her own brush and wall to paint while I handled the others. Hopefully we will be done this next week so she can move out of our bed and back into hers.
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